Esurance • Surprisingly Painless TV & OLV

When you’re making ads for insurance that’s surprisingly painless, you might as well make the ads painless too. We kept it entertainingly relatable, with our campaign trademark fourth-wall-breaking. The charms of Dennis Quaid don’t hurt either.

Yes, those actually are his dogs. I got to pet them!

While making dozens of ads over many shoots, we really fell in love with Dennis’s stand-in, Mike. So we decided to put him in stuff.

We also made a bunch of preroll ads for YouTube that were surprisingly… honest.

And finally, in partnership with Buzzfeed to do a Father’s Day listicle, I designed a bunch of animated cards featuring #1 Movie Dad, Dennis Quaid, for people to send to their #1 Real Dad.


12 Days of Oscar


Stuck in the 90s