Jet-Puffed • Go S’moregazing

To launch JET-PUFFED’s new glow-in-the-dark bag, we combined two summer night staples and used every stargazing event as a reminder to #GoSmoregazing.

Using design elements from the bag itself, we created an entire visual identity celebrating nighttime fun - inspired by those glow-in-the-dark star stickers we all had on our bedroom ceiling as kids :)

Our social content highlighted exciting stargazing events all summer, using animation to tie together s’mores with the stars.

Design elements carried through every experience, from glow-in-the-dark sticker sheets, a special mailer for our kit, a real glow-in-the-dark-billboard, microsite, and our constellation finder.


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The One Show 2023 - Shortlist - Brand-Side Projects

The One Show 2023 - Shortlist - OOH Craft

The Shorty Awards 2023 - Shortlist - Integrated Campaign

Obie (OOH) Awards - Finalist - Custom Installation

ACE (Kraft Heinz internal) Awards - Finalist - Creativity, Design & Packaging


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